For Appointment : (+91) 7339 209 406

Our Technology

1. RapidArc

The new TrueBeam™ system from Varian Medical Systems is the latest and one of the most advanced radiotherapy technologies in the world for treating cancer. Developed from the ground up it optimizes both radiotherapy and radiosurgery treatments. TrueBeam delivers more flexible cancer treatments with pinpoint accuracy and precision, ease and speed.

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2. CyberKnife

The CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery System is a non-invasive alternative to surgery for the treatment of both cancerous and non-cancerous tumors anywhere in the body, including the prostate, lung, brain, spine, liver, pancreas and kidney. The treatment – which delivers beams of high dose radiation to tumors with extreme accuracy – offers new hope to patients worldwide.

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3. TrueBeam

The new TrueBeam™ system from Varian Medical Systems is the latest and one of the most advanced radiotherapy technologies in the world for treating cancer. Developed from the ground up it optimizes both radiotherapy and radiosurgery treatments. TrueBeam delivers more flexible cancer treatments with pinpoint accuracy and precision, ease and speed.

TrueBeam can treat cancers anywhere in the body, where radiation treatment is indicated. TrueBeam technology opens the door to new possibilities for the treatment of challenging cases such as cancers in the lung, breast, abdomen, and head and neck as well as other cancers that are treatable with radiotherapy. Check with your doctor to see if TrueBeam treatment is appropriate for your specific cancer.

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For Appoinment

Comprehensive Cancer Hospital

  044 - 42840777

044 - 42857258


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